2020. október 12.

Mental health

The art of self-kindness:

1. boundaries (put away your laptop and your work)

 2. gratitude journal (write down three things you’re grateful for each day)

 3. controlling your social media feeds (filter out anything that could be damaging to you)

“Being in the here and now and noticing the smaller things helps us to foster a more positive mindset.”

The art of kintsugi: the unique method visually emphasises the fractures and breaks of an object instead of hiding or disguising them. 

"It’s said that in the midst of hurt and pain that we can make a change in the future.”

(...) research by Harvard University showing that if you think positively about specific events for two minutes per day for 30 days, the brain develops a ‘background scan’ for positive thinking.
The result is that we become more solution-focused when faced with challenges.

The next level is to use five minute-exercises to project a “big movie screen in your mind” to imagine what would happen if everything went well in your life.  




2020. június 30.

“May the wind always be on your back and the sun upon your face and may the winds of destiny carry you aloft to dance with the stars.” - Johnny Depp