"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"
2018. december 31.
2018. december 28.
2018. december 26.
2018. december 23.
2018. december 9.
2018. december 2.
Holiday spirits
The legend of Tomte. Also named Nisse in Norway or Denmark and Tonttu in Finland. They are
solitary and mischievous domestic spirits who protect farmsteads and
their families and animals. Folklore says they originated from the soul
of the first farmer and are ancestral figures who command respect. Their
name and figures were imagined by farmers from years gone by, who were
often isolated and it helped them live through the cold and dark winter
months. A tomte is described as, a little bearded man, just three feet
high, with a long beard and scruffy plain clothes. His feet are covered
in traditional work boots and he sports a red cap! Tomte love to work
but will not tolerate any interference.. They say a dirty house or
stables, or treating animals unfairly, will surely upset your tomte and
if anyone spills anything, legend says they are told to SHOUT out to
warn the tomte not to fall into the puddle! A clean house or farm is a
clear sign a tomte spirit resides there…. If you offend your tomte he
may play some pranks on you! He might do little things such as turning
buckets upside down or will tie the cow’s tails together…. So you know
when something strange happens you may have offended your little tomte.
In the country he will reside in the pantry or barn and if you move to the towns and cities he stay beneath your floorboards. These little spirit’s are treasured by all, wherever you live.
Tomte need very little from us humans, but they do demand the trust and respect of their homeowners. If respect is lacking from anyone who lives on the farmstead then they will not remain and the inhabitants of the farm will not thrive!
They ask that once a year on Christmas Eve, they have a bowl of their favourite food (julgröt) Christmas porridge, as thanks for their protection throughout the year. A tomte”s porridge is his due and it must be topped with a generous knob of butter! In the old days, butter was a luxury and only consumed on special occasions, the addition of a knob of butter in the Tomte’s porridge shows him your respect and thanks to him for protecting you and yours for the year.
In the country he will reside in the pantry or barn and if you move to the towns and cities he stay beneath your floorboards. These little spirit’s are treasured by all, wherever you live.
Tomte need very little from us humans, but they do demand the trust and respect of their homeowners. If respect is lacking from anyone who lives on the farmstead then they will not remain and the inhabitants of the farm will not thrive!
They ask that once a year on Christmas Eve, they have a bowl of their favourite food (julgröt) Christmas porridge, as thanks for their protection throughout the year. A tomte”s porridge is his due and it must be topped with a generous knob of butter! In the old days, butter was a luxury and only consumed on special occasions, the addition of a knob of butter in the Tomte’s porridge shows him your respect and thanks to him for protecting you and yours for the year.
2018. december 1.
Christmas cocktails looking delicious
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Christmas sangria |
- 1/4 cup Cranberries
- 3/4 cup Cranberries, whole
- 1 Granny smith apple
- 3 Rosemary, sprigs
- 1/4 cup Sugar
- 3/4 cup Sparkling apple cider
- 2 bottles Pinot grigio or chardonnay
2018. november 26.
2018. november 21.
2018. október 22.
Just some stuff I'd like to make
Rosemary Lemon Body Scrub
1 1/2 cups of Epsom salt
2 Rosemary springs, finely chopped
2-3 drops Lemon Essential Oil
3 Tbsp of Coconut oil, melted
2 Tbsp lemon zest
Mix everything in a large bowl. Pour into a single airtight jar or into a couple of smaller jars.
Orange Spice Bath Salt
1 lb. Dead Sea Salts
Sweet Orange Essential Oil
Cinnamon Leaf Essential Oil
Red and Yellow Mica Powder
Use WAY more orange essential oil because the cinnamon is so potent. Start with a small amount, mix it all up, smell
it and then decide if you need more oil and add from there. This
ensures that you won’t add too much fragrance and over saturate the
Stir, stir stir.
At first the oils will seem
to clump right where you add them. As you continue to mix you’ll see the
clumps break down and disperse throughout the mixture evenly.
Here comes the optional part of this recipe:
The orange essential oil colors the salts slightly with a soft,
yellow color. If you like it, stop here. No need to do anything else!
But if you’re hoping for a deeper color, add in a little mica powder.
For a nice orange color I mixed a small amount of red with a little
yellow (using more yellow than red).
Jelly Soap
gelatine pacets
3/4 cups of boiling water
1/2 liquid soap
spray bottle of rubbing alcohol
In addition to those ingredients you can add food coloring, scented oils, glitter, or even small toys.
Add 2 pacets of gelatine to a large bowl and stir in the water. Then stir in the liquid soap and stir in the food coloring and fragrance if desired.
Get rid of the bubbles by spraying with rubbing alcohol. Carefully pour into silicone mold or jar.
Refrigerate for two hours.
These are real, functional soaps! You can’t get much foam out of them,
but it creates a decent amount of lather when you rub one between wet
DO NOT eat them.
2018. október 5.
2018. szeptember 24.
2018. szeptember 21.
2018. szeptember 15.
Introvertált, sok extravertált tulajdonsággal
Inkább befelé figyelő, de a világ felé is nyitott személyiség típus.
2018. szeptember 13.
2018. augusztus 16.
After you
I swallowed. "Mum, you're not going to get divorced, are you?
Her eyes shot open. "Divorced? I'm a good Catholic girl, Louisa. We don't divorce. We just make our men suffer for all eternity."
2018. július 3.
I am a nice person...
"Kétféle mérges ember van: az őrjöngő és az elfojtó. Az őrjöngő az a vásárló, aki üvöltözik a pénztárnál, mert nem fogadják el a lejárt étkezési utalványát. A másik az elfojtó, azaz a pénztáros, aki egész nap nyeli a hülyeséget, aztán kinyír mindenkit. Te a pénztáros vagy." - Dr. Buddy
My five favourite things about summer
1. Diving under the sea
2. Garden parties
3. Prolonged days
4. Perseids
5. Dressing up for night outs
2018. június 10.
2018. május 3.
2018. március 17.
Exactly how it feels
"It feels like someone kicked you in the stomach, feels like your heart
stopped beating, feels like that dream, you know the one, when you are
falling and you want so desperately to wake up before you hit the ground
but it's all out of your control, you can't trust anything anymore,
no-one is who they say they are, your life is changed forever, and the
only thing to come out of the whole ugly experience is no-one will be
able to break your heart like that again."
2018. január 20.
2018. január 6.
"A napfogyatkozásban, az éjszakában, a koromsötétben még a legbátrabbakon is erőt vesz a szorongás.Senki sem járhat egyedül az erdőben úgy, hogy ne remegne.
Árnyak és fák: két félelmetes sűrűség. Valami megtévesztő valóság bukkan fel a derengő mélységben. Az elképzelhetetlen ölt alakot néhány lépésnyire előtted kísérteties világossággal. A térben vagy a tulajdon agyvelejében az ember valami megnevezhetetlenül bizonytalant és megfoghatatlant lát úszkálni, mintha szunnyadó virágok álma volna. Vad jelenések villannak a látóhatáron. Belélegzed a nagy üres feketeség áramlásait. Az ember fél, és szeretne hátranézni. Az éjszaka mélységeivel, a megriadt tárgyakkal, a hallgatag körvonalakkal, amelyek szétfoszlanak, amint közeledünk hozzájuk, a homályos kuszaságokkal, az izgatott facsoportokkal, a sötét tócsákkal, a komorságban tükröződő szomorúsággal, a csend síri végtelenségével, minden elképzelhető ismeretlen lénnyel, a titokzatos ágak hajladozásával, a megdöbbentő facsonkokkal, a remegő hosszú fűcsomókkal szemben az ember egészen védtelen." -Victor Hugo
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